「夏休みこどもひのきしん」Children’s Hinokishin for Summer Vacation
「夏休みこどもひのきしん」 毎日元気に過ごせるのは、親神様がお働きくださっているおかげだね。 「ありがとうございます」の気持ちをひのきしんで親神様に伝えよう! 家の中でもお外でもいつでもどこでも誰とでも「ひのきしん」はできるんだ! さあ、今年の夏は、毎日ひのきしん! Children’s Hinokishin for Summer Vacation It is due to God the Parent's workings that we are able to live in good health every day. Let's express our gratitude to God the Parent by doing Hinokishin! We can do Hinokishin anytime, anywhere, with anyone, at home and outside! Let's do Hinokishin every day this summer!